Year-End Reflection: Gratitude & Healing
As we approach the final weeks of 2023, let's take a moment to reflect on the past year. While yoga teaches us to embrace the present, there's value in intentional reflection, gratitude, learning, and healing. As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024, find a quiet space with your journal and explore these questions and more:
· As I reflect on 2023, what am I most grateful for? • What accomplishments fill me with pride?
· Who are the people that have positively influenced my life?
· What challenges need healing?
· Are there people who have hurt me, and should I distance myself from them?
· What should I let go of?
· What new experiences would I like to welcome into my life?
In our reflections, we rediscover moments of joy and the people who brightened our path. We also confront events misaligned with our values that caused hurt or trauma. Together, let's explore a couple of concepts for a more meaningful, peaceful, and positive 2024.
Gratitude: According to UCLA, this simple act has profound effects on body and mind—better sleep, reduced stress, less inflammation, and lower anxiety. Start your day by listing three things you're grateful for, writing them down, or expressing thanks to someone for their kindness.
Healing: Healing often follows loss or pain caused by events or individuals conflicting with our values. Recovery isn't always swift. It's okay not to be okay; healing takes time. Help yourself heal and move forward, I am sharing here a few strategies that can help healing process:
• Seek support from loved ones or professionals.
• Show gratitude daily by acknowledging three things you're thankful for.
• Practice meditation, prayer, or deep breathing.
• Practice yoga and give a helping hand if you can.
• Spend time outdoors or take walks.
• Opt for books over TV and social media.
• Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a massage, a favorite movie or food.
• Dedicate a day off to relaxation or activities that bring joy.
• Learn to manage anger constructively through communication, journaling, or maybe releasing tension in a pillow.
• Allow yourself to cry when sadness overcomes you, but nature walks can also be healing.
• Prioritize self-care:
o Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables.
o Cook at home rather than relying on processed foods.
o Eliminate junk food and unhealthy snacks.
o Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
o Maintain a consistent sleep and meal schedule.
o Incorporate daily walks and regular exercise into your routine.
May these practices guide us towards a healthier and more peaceful path as we move into the new year.